Wednesday, November 4, 2009

swine flu and such

No my friends I do not have the swine flu but yesterday I thought that I was going to die. That's a bit of an exaggeration (which I am very good at) but really I was on the verge of death. Okay, I really just have a cold, no biggie right? I am here to tell you that being sick is completely miserable, like you didn't know that already. I laid on the couch yesterday for a mere 12 hours wondering if I could possibly go on any longer but I eventually pulled through thanks to chicken noodle soup and Theraflu. I'm feeling much better today but still not back to normal. My point, don't get sick, it sucks.

And for some wonderful news...Dennis won the election yesterday! Thanks for all of those responsible citizens who voted in Holladay, we did it!

And for some more wonderful news....I have just been informed at the Pioneer Woman herself Ree Drummond will be at King's English Bookstore in Sugarhouse for a book signing of her new cookbook! Yeah!!! I know I'm sick but I am too excited to pass this up, I even preordered her cookbook 3 months ago! I love her...

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