Wednesday, May 9, 2012

so happy right now

Lots has happened in a month. A survived finals and graduated. That is the biggest and most important news. He worked his hiney off these past two years and I am so proud of him. He now is referred to as "Master Andrew" in our home. There are no photos of the actual graduation ceremony because well, we picked up and moved to Utah about 3 weeks before the ceremony would actually happen. He would much rather be in his cowboy gear than in a cap and gown anyways. Our last days in the Cleve were spent packing and eating at our favorite locals. We are seriously going to miss the food.

top: me and K taking a sick day, K's last walk in the Cleve, empty apartment getting ready to leave!
bottom: only a few of the boxes, K being super naughty but so comfy, the last supper @ DiBella's

The drive was okay. This was our 4th drive across the country in 2 years, I'm so over Nebraska. You hear that Nebraska? Over you. Kipling hated the drive (and also Nebraska) and would sleep in the downward dog position most of the time. Poor guy, he hates car rides. But he exacted his revenge by making us stay in quite possibly the creepiest, most run down, motel in Keokuk, Iowa because no one else took dogs. There may or may not have been blood on the side of my mattress. 

top: K trying not to die in the back seat, the Bate's Motel of Keokuk
bottom: Nauvoo temple, Twix bars and bottled water=our nutrition for 3 days

But we did stop in Nauvoo for a day and it was fabulous and broke up the mundane drive a little bit. We listened to Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter on the way out and it was actually very entertaining. (honestly, I think the movie will probably be better than the book so I'm excited about that)

Now we are happily snuggled into life at the ranch. Waking up to the mountains every morning is magical. We are so grateful A's parents are letting us crash here for a little bit. It is the perfect way to get acclimated back into life in the west. A is back in his element, Kipling has never been happier and I am beyond grateful with my life right now. Plus we got to go to the last Jazz game of the season, what more could we ask for?

top: Jazz game, more Jazz game, me trying to take my mid day cat nap
middle: K taking his mid day cat nap on the deck
bottom: the Cisco kid, my handsome boys, the view I wake up to every morning...seriously


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