i already want to go back...please Babson, please
the subway
the overfed Boston Common squirrel, he's got a nut in his mouth.
i love squirrels, don't judge
mother goose's grave
She had 19 children or something crazy like that
that'll be me someday...haha
this was some lib statue hating on republicans, i just thought he was cute
Bwaston Massacre site, Andrew's fave
the ol'Statehouse, another one of Andrew's faves
Fanueuil Hall, they had the most amazing food court
bacon wrapped scallops
clam chowda in bread bowls
home made mac and cheese
and that's just scratching the surface my friends
our hotel
it snowed on Saturday, mixed emotions about that one
it was gorgeous but very cold...
I don't like cold
overall, our Bwaston experience was incredible and if you haven't noticed I've already picked up there accent. That's how the locals do it. Just joking, that wasn't very funny.